Monday, July 12, 2010

I will never censor you

Some of my comments are censored on the Exodus blog, and they are neither inflammatory nor are they off topic. I simply do not understand. While they have the right to delete whatever comments they want, I think censorship of peoples thoughts, ideas, and comments is just bad manners. It also sends the message to me that the "ex" gay community does not want to converse with those of us who have no internal conflict with our sexual orientation. If my posts are neither off topic or inflammatory, but they obviously disagree with Exodus' blog & I'm gay - WHY are you deleting my comments?

I also happen to know Exodus does this to quite a few people.


I don't expect many or any comments on this little blog, but I will never censor you. Even if you cuss me out for 10 pages. I may not respond, but I won't censor.

Fascism, it ain't my style, yo.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not too keen on cencoring either, but I'll admit I've done it a couple of times. People can give me their opinion on my blog, and I usually truly do consider their opinions, but outright nasty comments I don't typically leave up.

    I'm not surprised Exodus has deleted some of your comments though. Even though I do support some of Exodus' causes, I don't approve of others or the means to which they try to achieve their goals. Censoring people simply because they disagree with their message ain't cool.

    Just as a thought though, why not post those comments on here? They can't censor your blog now, can they? :)
